Home » NEWS: The Arrival of Ultra-Heavy Tankers in Victoria

NEWS: The Arrival of Ultra-Heavy Tankers in Victoria

by Ken
Ultra Heavy Fire Tanker 2

When it comes to battling wildfires, every tool counts, and Victoria’s firefighting arsenal just got a substantial boost. The Country Fire Authority (CFA) in Victoria is set to roll out 29 brand-new Ultra-heavy Tankers that promise to be a game-changer in the fight against fires. These impressive vehicles are about to make their debut, with the first ones allocated to brigades in Ballarat and near Swan Hill. Let’s delve into what these Ultra-heavy Tankers bring to the table and why they are generating so much excitement in the firefighting community.


New Ultra-heavy firefighting vehicles roll out across Victoria | CFA News & Media

Victoria’s relentless battle against wildfires has reached a new milestone with the introduction of 29 Ultra-heavy Tankers. These formidable vehicles, weighing in at 23 tonnes, have the capacity to carry a staggering 10,000 litres of water—more than some of the water bombing fleet. Such firepower is set to revolutionize firefighting efforts across the state, particularly in remote rural areas with vast open grasslands.


The Power of Ultra-Heavy Tankers

A Massive Capacity

One of the standout features of these Ultra-heavy Tankers is their unprecedented water-carrying capacity. With 10,000 litres at their disposal, they dwarf their predecessors and can sustain firefighting operations for extended periods. This enhancement is a significant advantage when combating large-scale fires or dealing with limited access to water sources.

Grassland Firefighters

While these Ultra-heavy Tankers can be deployed in urban settings, they shine brightest in open grasslands and remote regions. Victoria, like many places around the world, faces the threat of grassfires, which can spread rapidly and devastate vast areas. The Ultra-heavy Tankers are tailor-made for these scenarios, with their colossal water reservoirs and specialized equipment.

Advanced Features

These Ultra-heavy Tankers are equipped with the latest technology to maximize their efficiency. They include a bulbar-mounted remote-control monitor that can distribute up to 450 litres of water per minute, allowing for precise and effective firefighting. Additionally, a 100-litre A-class foam tank aids in controlling fires and reducing their impact.


Why They Matter

Rapid Response to Grassfires

Victoria has experienced an increase in grassfires due to vegetation growth, making these Ultra-heavy Tankers a critical addition to the firefighting fleet. Their ability to carry massive amounts of water enables them to respond swiftly and decisively to grassfires, helping to contain and extinguish them before they can spread further.

Enhanced Safety

Safety is a top priority for any firefighting operation. The Ultra-heavy Tankers offer improved safety for firefighting crews with their advanced equipment and seating for three crew members. This allows for more effective coordination during operations and better protection for those on the front lines.

Government Support

The Victorian Government has recognized the importance of bolstering firefighting capabilities and allocated $12.835 million for the acquisition of these new Ultra-heavy Tankers. This investment reflects the government’s commitment to ensuring the safety and protection of communities throughout the state.


What’s Next

The deployment of these Ultra-heavy Tankers is a significant step in strengthening Victoria’s firefighting capabilities. They will be distributed primarily to brigades in the North West, South West, and West regions, where the need for such firefighting power is most acute. Areas including Warrnambool, Wangaratta, Ballarat, Geelong, Horsham, Swan Hill, Shepparton, Bairnsdale, and Bendigo will benefit from these advanced firefighting assets.

The arrival of the Ultra-heavy Tankers represents a significant milestone in Victoria’s ongoing battle against wildfires. These vehicles are more than just tools; they are symbols of safety, preparedness, and the unwavering dedication of firefighters and emergency responders. As we move forward, these Ultra-heavy Tankers will stand as guardians of our communities, ready to respond when the need arises.

In times of crisis, every second counts, and with these new  Tankers, Victoria is better equipped than ever to protect its people and natural landscapes from the destructive force of wildfires. As we reflect on their arrival, we are reminded of the bravery and commitment of those who stand on the front lines, protecting our homes, our environment, and our future.

For the latest updates on these remarkable Ultra-heavy Tankers and their deployment, stay tuned to CFA News & Media. The story of their impact on Victoria’s firefighting efforts is only just beginning, and it promises to be a story of resilience, dedication, and triumph over nature’s most formidable adversary.

As these Ultra-heavy Tankers embark on their mission, we invite you to join us in celebrating this remarkable milestone in Victoria’s firefighting history. Together, we can recognize the significance of these firefighting giants and the dedication of those who stand behind them, ready to protect and serve our communities.

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